All the noise

All the noise, performance in cooperation with Laura Maj and Manuela Wanner, Kapelle Schlösschen Bleichenberg CH, 2015

All the noise is a cooperation with the performance artist Laura Maj (CH) and sound poet Manuela Wanner (CH). It tells the myth of Pandora`s box.

In the piece between performance and reading, the story is told multiple times. The variations raise questions about the actual guilty one in the story, and – seen in a wider context - the content of truth in media reporting and the conflicts of interests of the different rapporteurs.

Text fragments written in Athens in 2015 form the base for All the noise. The current climate of uncertainty influenced the examination of Greek myths as a closed world that seems to give a black and white explanation for good and evil. Especially the figure of Pandora animated to exhaust the so-called handed truth.

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