Lustklubschule – Pilz Welle Lust Art Space, Basel, 2021
Textures. Emulsions and pastes. Creamy, smooth, fluffy, soft, delicate. Salty and sweet, sweet and spicy, savoury and sour, umami and bitter. Food by Regula, Pavlos and Dimitra Charamandas and Marcel Freymond.
text15/09/21 - Opening: 1.0 Connection / Síndesi, Textures. Emulsions and pastes. Creamy, smooth, fluffy, soft, delicate. Flavour compounds, salty and sweet, sweet and spicy, savoury and sour, umami and bitter. Immersion, paintings by Dimitra Charamandas and Marcel Freymond.
29/09/21 - 2.0 In flux, Everything in flux - movements, sounds, dishes, drinks. Break of vertical and horizontal. Movements with Laurie Mlodzik and Dimitra Charamandas, Cuisine liquide by Dimitra Charamandas, Irene Trujillo and Marisabel Arias. Background music by Juice & Rispetta DJ Team.
06/10/21 - 3.0 Embrace (Abrazo), Holders - Träger. Pitta Arepa, Aji, Hogao, Ladolémono, Ceviche, Griego-Colombian Fusion.
13/10/21 - Closing: 4.0 Kéfi (Sabor), Paréa, Kéfi, Dolmádes, Fáva, Retsína, Rembético ! Food by Pavlos, Stelios, Regula und Dimitra Charamandas. Reading with Francesca Mangold and Dimitra Charamandas.
Left side up: Painting by Marcel Freymond. Right Side: From the series Surreal reality – Vivid dreams, oil and acrylic on cotton, 210 x 150cm, 2021. Amorphous soil tables in various sizes, recycled chipboard, acrylic, 2021.
15/09/21 – Opening of the Lustklubschule: 1.0 Verbindung / Síndesi
29/09/21 – 2.0 In flux
06/10/21 - 3.0 Embrace (Abrazo)