Unfrozen Education – Or how to Relearn, Crete, 2019

Morphe, from the series Morphology of a Guess, acrylic and oil on cotton, 200/145cm, 2019

UNFROZEN EDUCATION – Or how to Relearn, was a group show at the interface of technology and art, folk knowledge and science. The exhibition I curated in collaboration with Yota Tsotra took place in five venues in Rethymno, Crete, and included a program of performances, symposia and workshops over three weeks. 


The Kara Mousa Pasha Mosque was one of five venues in Rethymno, Crete, that hosted Unfrozen Education – Or how to Relearn

Curadoria by Irene Trujillo, 2019, Kara Mousa Pasha Mosque

(...) today I was at the kreuzacher park (in Solothurn) recording the birds. they are flying back and forth I thought it must be easy I‘ll have a look at them flying. hundreds then two of your sounds. the light switch is very very beautiful. The insects sampled down create a wonderful sound too. I want to continue with overlapping them. they are my favorite sound at the moment.


Mail excerpt, Flo Kaufmann. 



Irene Trujillo Villegas

During the exhibition several walks took place that invited visitors, students and artists to connect the venues and the works exhibited – in the context of Rethymnos everyday

An empty book with a pen. The title of the book is a question. An archive for knowledge we don’t learn at schools or out of books, but that we learn through live, experiences and exchange. What gives you strength? What is precious to you? What did you learn from your grandparents? What do you really need? 



Idea for a work that was not realized, Johanna Schaible 

Clay by Johanna Schaible, 2019, Kara Mousa Pasha Mosque

Drawing a Line was a workshop in collaboration with Johanna Schaible and Gergana Mantscheva. How do we change our way of looking at things while drawing in movement? What traces do emerge? The workshop Drawing a Line is a continous element in my work, a vessel to share and explore the potential of writing and drawing with others; To locate onself, to connect and to stretch one`s imagination anew.    

We need a map to guide us on our journey to love - starting with the place where we know what we mean when we speak of love.


bell hooks, All about love, from Suzanna Asp‘s research material

Neuro-Herba-Conservatorium by Yota Tsotra, Hagia Sophia Church

Kindom of the Fool, performance by Dawn Nilo, Hagia Sophia Church

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